According to some poskim, beit haknesset and beit midrashim have some similar rules to the temple. My question is, according to Halacha can women who’re yoledet enter a synagogue even though she may not enter the temple to my understanding

To my knowledge Jews are prohibited against prostitution and harlotry, gentiles are not. But can Jews benefit from the profit of gentile prostitutes

According to Leviticus 7:24 forbidden fats from non Shech’ted animals may be used for any purpose but eating. Therefor is it permissible to cook them with dairy and/or sell them mixed with dairy? Or is that still issur hanaah despite this Passuk saying it can be used for non eating purposes?

In Halacha, there is a general prohibition against destruction (with many exceptions, my question is if it is permitted to destroy in order to sell property, for example a homeowner destroying a fruit tree in order to increase home value if buyers don’t like it

In Halacha, are Bnei Noach prohibited from Doresh El Hametim? The 7 Noahide mitzvoth are categories of commandments (as An example the law against theft includes using honest measurements), and as such is necromancy prohibited under the prohibition of idolatrous practices/resembling avodah zarah or no?

In Halacha, Jews and gentiles are prohibited from eating limbs of living animals, known as Ever Min Hachai. However , is there no prohibition of Ever Min Hachai for a Ben Pekuah, as it is considered an organ of the slaughtered animal. Noahides don’t have shechita rules so I don’t know

I live with my middle aged mother. She is mostly able to take care for herself. She has been diagnosed with diabetes and needs twice daily insulin shots. She doesn’t know how to do it herself, at least not yet, but I work in a profession where I know how to give shots. My mother wants me to prick her fingers and give her the insulin shots. I learned many years ago that it is forbidden to make one’s parent bleed, even for medical purposes. How should I deal with this?

According to Halacha, is there any issue with complimenting the looks of people forbidden to you as arayot (like a man saying another man is sexy), or no? Do any Responsa address this question?