Is it permitted to work an extremely dangerous job that risks one’s life but pays a lot of money? I am exploring the job of changing light bulbs on radio towers. One workday pays $130,000. I could live off of that easily for a year. I could do it for a few years and not have to work most of the time and then retire when I’m young. The danger is, if you fall, you die. About a dozen people a year die doing this job.

Is Euthanasia allowed in the Torah? I'm learning about assisted suicide for class and was wondering how legal it was Halachically. The idea of ending suffering before natural death does not seem like a Jewish concept, but there are some opinions online that state otherwise. I'm just trying to understand if we are or aren't and what the reasons may be, (with sources.)

Our new house was build weirdly in many ways. One of those oddities is the master bedroom can only be reached by walking through a bathroom. Does that mean we can never bring a siddur or any kind of sefer or my tefillin into the bedroom?

According to some poskim, beit haknesset and beit midrashim have some similar rules to the temple. My question is, according to Halacha can women who’re yoledet enter a synagogue even though she may not enter the temple to my understanding

To my knowledge Jews are prohibited against prostitution and harlotry, gentiles are not. But can Jews benefit from the profit of gentile prostitutes

According to Leviticus 7:24 forbidden fats from non Shech’ted animals may be used for any purpose but eating. Therefor is it permissible to cook them with dairy and/or sell them mixed with dairy? Or is that still issur hanaah despite this Passuk saying it can be used for non eating purposes?