Shalom Due to COVID, I am in quarantine, so how can I do hataras nedarim, annulment of vows right before Rosh Hashana? I obviously cannot get 3 people for a Bais Din. Please advise. Kesiva Hatima Tova

Hi Rabbi, is it true that a person with a tattoo can't be buried in a Jewish cemetery? Thanks!

We are a Kohen family and my toddler seems to be a lefty. I've heard that a lefty Kohen cannot do the service when the Temple is rebuilt. Should we encourage him to write with his right hand for this reason? But every time we've tried to get him to use his right hand instead of his left, he says its not comfortable and won't color or write.

Shalom aleichem Rabbi Lauffer. Thank you for answering my last question. I came across something in the Artscroll Shmuel Aleph that might have a bearing on a question Rabbi Lauffer answered for me a couple years ago, but I'm not sure if it does or not. I asked Rabbi Lauffer "Is one allowed to do a coin flip in order to determine the result of a sports competition that he is betting on, or is this prohibited because of what the Shulchan Aruch (Y.D. 179:1) writes that “One should not inquire from stargazers and not through lotteries" and Rabbi Lauffer graciously answered me saying, "Personally, I think that it is forbidden. The Sages teach that it is sometimes permissible to do certain actions that are comparable to stargazing and the like but only when there is some kind of a connection between the "omen" and the thing that it is being done for." The note in the Artscroll Shmuel p. 243 writes "According to Radak, omens are prohibited only if they reflect commonly accepted superstitious belief. However, a person is permitted to devise a sign to aid him in making a decision. Thus, the Talmud's citation of Jonathan does not mean to state that his action was impermissible. On the contrary, the Talmud's use of Jonathan's incident is to teach that it is appropriate to rely only on an omen that has been clearly stipulated in advance. A disquieting incident that has not been specified in advance only appears like a bad omen, and should be given no credence. Rema assumes that Radak's interpretation of the verse is coincident with the opinion of Raavad [and in opposition to that of Rambam], and Rema cites these two valid opinions regarding the use of omens (Yoreh Deah 179:4)." According to this Rema cited in the Artscroll, would doing a weighted coin flip on a calculator be permitted to decide the winner of a sports contest that one is betting on, or would it be forbidden as Rabbi Lauffer paskens. Thanks a lot.

Dear Rabbi: Unfortunately my wife (Yael bat Channah) is now already nearly a year in hospitals and Rehab Nursing Homes. She has many times been unconscious, not aware of what was going on, but thank G-d her health has improved and she understands now most of the things, that happen around her. At home I continued always to candle the lights for Shabbos and Chanuka, even when she couldn't. If I bring her electric Shabbos candles and an electric Menora, can she say the bracha over the light kindling? Real fire is not allowed in the Hospital or Nursing Home. Too dangerous.

Could you explain the theme of betting? It is forbidden to do so? If someone wins money because of a bet, is the money is "taref"?

Hi, Is it true that if someone embarasses someone it’s as if they spilled blood?

A Purim question. Where can I find the OK for men to wear female clothing and visa-versa? Thanks   Ken