What is the Jewish definition of “love”?

My child recently came home from school and complained that some classmates are picking on him. He doesn’t want to tattle on them to the teacher because this could cause the classmates to pick on him even more. Rabbi, please advise me on the “Jewish way” to help him. Thank you.

שלום רב, המשפחה שלי חילוני, אבל אני רוצה ללמוד יותר על אורתודוקסיה. אמא שלי לא אוהבת שאני מעוניינת באורתודוקסיה ואני לא יודעת מה לעשות. יש לכם עצה? תודה רבה

My husband is a very observant Jew in every way, wearing a kippah, davening, putting on tefillin, kosher, shomer Shabbos, etc. But there is one exception. He ignores all mourning restrictions during the Omer and 3 weeks. He has a very disrespectful attitude about them, calling them BS. He even listened to music during the year after his father’s death before I knew him and has no remorse about it. He openly disdains these laws, listening to more music than normal during these times more openly and with no shame. He goes around saying “It’s not in the Torah. Hashem won’t punish me.” Worst of all, he listens to music when I am in the car with him, thereby forcing me to listen to it also. How do I deal with this?

What does Judaism teach about the importance of friendship as opposed to concentrating on living one’s own life “as an island”?

What should a person do when his friend is sick? Is there any special mitzvah?

Hi Rabbi, I know that Mother’s Day this year is Sunday, May 12th, but wonder if there’s a Mother’s Day and a Father’s Day in the Jewish religion?