As a listener from a reader, but with my own megillah, i have the next questions. 1) according to the halacha, the megillah needs to be folded as a letter in front of the crowd, so this is a reference to the reader in the bimah, so, also the mitpalelim who are in the shul and have a megillah must fold it as letter, or I can follow the reading in the "scroll" way.   2) If I need to fold my megillah, how I need to do it? I have a 11 rows megillah. Thank you.

If one fails to fast on Yom Kippur when they have no medical reason not to fast, the punishment is koret. Is there any punishment for one who neglects to fast on a minor fast day when they are medically able? Is it considered sinful to neglect such a fast?

Dear Rabbi, Do you think there a single theme that unites all of the mitzvahs of Purim? Thank you for this wonderful service. Happy Purim!

Dear Rabbi, Is it true that God is not mentioned in the Book of Esther? If so, why not? Thanks.

I am a recent convert to the Islam. Ramadan has just begun. And I have to fast in the daytime for the month. This is so hard for me I am really struggling. I never did anything like this before. I know that Jews fast a lot. What is some advice you have as a Jew for getting comfortably through a daily fast?

What is the holiness level of Rosh Chodesh? Seemingly it lies somewhere between an ordinary weekday and Shabbat/Yom Tov. On Shabbat, 39 activities are prohibited and Musaf is recited. On Yom Tov, most of those 39 activities are prohibited and Musaf is recited. On Rosh Chodesh, none of those 39 activities are prohibited, but Musaf is still recited. Where does that place Rosh Chodesh on the holiness scale?

Dear Rabbi, I saw that you (or another rabbi) wrote that one can only obtain simcha on the holiday from wine and not from grape juice. So how about if a person does not like wine and does not enjoy drinking it. But he does enjoy drinking non-alcoholic grape juice and is really happy when doing so?

Since sex on Yom Kippur is biblically prohibited, are babies born from sex on it Mamzerut? Is there any Responsa regarding this

According to the Talmud in Masechet Pesachim, there is a mitzvah to drink wine on Yom Tov for Simchah Yom Tov. My question is, can grape juice substitute for wine on Yom Tov?