My cousin is culturally Jewish but not observant. He is getting married to a Jewish woman on Chol Hamoed Passover. I have learned that weddings are not supposed to be held on Chol Hamoed. I already said I was coming before I realized the date. Is attending such a wedding permitted?

Can the coffee grinder we use during the year be used on Pesach? It has only been used for unflavored / non-decaf beans. We are Sepharadi, as well.

Are there eight days of eating unleavened bread or do we start unleavened bread on Abib 14 (Pesach) to make the feast of Unleavened Bread exactly seven days? Because some are claiming that Unleavened Bread (UB) feast is supposed to be only seven days (Abib 15-21) so want to start UB at sunset on Abib 14 instead of 15th which conflates UB with Pesach. Those people say otherwise it makes eight days of eating unleavened bread when the Torah says eat unleavened bread for exactly seven days. The following list shows the dates I think are correct. Are they correct? Passover (14 Abib/ Nisan) at sunset, keeping vigil until midnight. Unleavened Bread (15 Abib / Nisan) 1st holy day, sunset Abib 15 thru sunset Abib 16. Unleavened Bread (21 Abib/ Nisan) 2d holy day, sunset Abib 21 thru sunset Abib 22. We are Christians who revoke the Catholic holidays and observe the Levitical feasts. May the Creator God bless you for your work.

I take daily vitamins that are in capsules, they are O U certified but not kosher for pesach. Do they have to be kosher for pesach?

I was able to hear an evening Megillah reading this year. But I missed the morning reading because I had to catch an early morning flight, which was unavoidable. I mentioned this to someone whom in turn told me that the mitzvah is to hear the reading twice, and if you listen to only one reading but not the other, you have not fulfilled any mitzvah at all. He said he learned that from his rabbi. Is that really true?

Is it really a mitzvah to get drunk on Purim that is seriously obligatory? I am dubious because drunkenness compromises public safety and one’s own health.

Is it really a mitzvah to eat meat on Purim? Is one who fails to eat meat on Purim missing out on a mitzvah? I am wondering because I am a vegetarian.

The 14th of Adar (or Adar II in a leap year) can never fall out on Shabbat on the fixed calendar. But suppose it could, what would be different from normal about the way Purim is observed?