We have a custom in our family to color eggs for Lag B'omer, and we know of others around the world that have this custom too. Yet nobody seems to know the origin or source of it. Some people I have asked suggested it is taken from a pagan custom, G-d forbid. Can anyone shed light on this please?

Dear Rabbi: Happy Passover! It came up at our sedar last night about 600,000 Jewish souls & that there are only 600,000 jewish souls . is this a fact & could you explain it i don't understand how only 600,000 souls are possible with so many more jewish people in the world, please explain, Thank you, Barbara Macks

In exodus the passover menu is deescribed and we are admonished to do this fo all generetions to come. Why and when was the menu changed? Thanks Shalom

I am giving a passover sedar to my family members. None of them are practicing jews. I am studying the torah and want to say something inspirational beyond the usualy sedar. Something that will make a non practicing jew feel that they are part of the experience. Do you have any ideas?

When lighting the chanukiah, do you use the same shamash each of the 8 nights or do you let each night's shamash melt as well and use another the next night? Thanks, Alex

Hello, Does Hanukkah start this year on the eve of Dec. 25th? Are there any particular prayers to be said as the candles are lighted? Are they different each night? Which renditions of the Hanukkah story do you like best? Thanks