Is it customary to give presents on Chanukah?  

Is it okay to light a mixed colored set of small red, green, blue, and yellow Chanukah candles? Does it matter as to the order that they are placed in the candle holder and the order in which they're lit? And what's the name of the holder, "menorah" or "chanukiah"? Thanks and happy Chanukah!

Hi Rabbi, can you give me a crash course in the laws and customs of Chanukah? Thanks in advance and I hope you have a happy Chanukah!

Dear Rabbi, what’s your favorite Chanuka story for inspiration? Of course we’re inspired by the Jewish People’s miraculous victory over ancient Greece, and the burning of the Menorah for 8 nights, but do you have any “more modern” story that you would share with me for inspiration today? Thanks!

Hi, it there a special day in Judaism that is like Veterans Day, to remember the military veterans, or Memorial Day, to remember those who fell in action? Thanks.

On the fast day of Tzom Gedalia, a friend of mine stayed up most of the night and ate before the beginning of the fast, then slept most of the day. Is this considered cheating since he did not suffer hunger pangs during the day?