Hi Rabbi, when is Purim this year and how do I observe it? Thanks!

I heard that the Shabbat that precedes Purim has a special name. Would you please tell what it’s called and tell me more about it? Thank you!

Passover Haggadah states: Enquire what Laban, the Arami, intended to do to our father Jacob. While Pharaoh decreed the destruction of the males only, Laban sought to root out the whole. 1. Laban was Rebecca’s brother. So I would assume that he was Jewish Was Laban Jewish? Why would he want to destroy his own people? 2. In our ancestors’ family tree below, which people were Jewish? If not Jewish, then what religion was the person? Thanks. 1 Terah 2 Abraham + Sarah (2) 3 Isaac + Rebecca (3) 4 Jacob + Leah + Rachel 4 Esau 2 Nahor + Milcah (1) 3 Bethuel 4 Laban 4 Rebecca (3) 2 Haran 3 Lot 3 Milcah (1) 3 Iscah (Sarah) (2)    

Shalom, Given that we're close to the new festal year, a question came to mind. Historically, prior to Hillel's calendar, the state of the barley crop was used to determine whether the year was to be intercalated (San. 12a-13b). In Menachoth/Bikkurim we are told that there were specific fields around Jerusalem that were set apart for the purpose of bringing the omer for the first fruits offering. As you know, climates in Israel differ based on location. The farmers' fields in the Jordan Valley or Negev would ripen earlier than those around Jerusalem. So...the question is...if no one else could harvest their fields at all until the omer was reaped for the offering, couldn't farmers in the southern regions potentially lose some or much of their crop since it would be sitting on the stalks unharvested, able to succumb to rot, animals, etc.? How did those farmers deal with that? Were they allowed to harvest their crop but just not partake? Thank you! Shalom

I heard there’s a Jewish holiday called "Tu B'Shevat”, also known as “The New Year for the Trees." When is it this year, and would you please explain the message of this holiday for us today? Thank you.

Dear Rabbi, what would you say is the main message of the holiday of Chanukah for us today? Thanks and happy Chanukah!