The parsha of Miketz is always read on Shabbat Chanukah. I’ve always understood that nothing in the Torah is by accident or is pure coincidence, and there is always a significance to what is read when. Any significant connection between Miketz and Chanukah?

Why do we start Chanukah with one candle on the first night and increase one candle per night until we light eight on the eighth night? Why not just each night or do a “countdown” from eight to one?

Why is Chanukah so important and what do you think would have happened if the Greeks had been successful in their war against the Maccabees?

Someone told me that Chanukah as we celebrate it today (with lights) only began after the Christians began celebrating xmas. Is this true?'

Dear Rabbi: Unfortunately my wife (Yael bat Channah) is now already nearly a year in hospitals and Rehab Nursing Homes. She has many times been unconscious, not aware of what was going on, but thank G-d her health has improved and she understands now most of the things, that happen around her. At home I continued always to candle the lights for Shabbos and Chanuka, even when she couldn't. If I bring her electric Shabbos candles and an electric Menora, can she say the bracha over the light kindling? Real fire is not allowed in the Hospital or Nursing Home. Too dangerous.