Is it true that God is not mentioned in the Book of Esther? If so, why not? Thanks.

The front page of my father's old Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur prayer book has the following Hebrew words. Could you please explain what they mean and how to pronounce them? יְשָׁרִים‎ תְּפִלָּת [followed by {in Hebrew}] for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur כל התפלות כסדרן

Does yom kippur cleanse completely of our sins, or does it simply switch our sins to a lower level of transgression?

I heard there’s a Jewish holiday this time of year called "Tu B'Shvat,” also known as “The New Year for the Trees." Would you please explain the message of this holiday for us today? Thanks.

Re: Giving Portions on Purim What is the correct spelling - Mishloach Manot or Mishlo'ach Manot? Does it matter? Why do some spell it with the apostrophe?

On Chanukah, our Rabbis, Hillel and Shammai, have written about different ways to light the menorah. Most people light 1 menorah according to Hillel, but some people light 2 menorahs: one according to Hillel and the other according to Shammai. I want to know which one should be on the right, Hillel's or Shammai's? Please be specific as to whether looking out from inside, or in from outside. Thank you.