I am young and vaccinated and boosted, but I still fear that if I were to get COVID, I could get really sick and might not survive. Almost no one wears masks at shul anymore. All the shuls are very crowded on Purim. I am afraid of getting COVID if a come to a crowded shul. I found some shuls that livestream their reading. Can I can fulfill the mitzvah of hearing the Megillah reading via livestream if my reason for avoiding it in person is fear of COVID?

Hi, Our neighbour and friend sadly lost his wife last week to a long illness. They have 3 young children. Is it appropriate for us to send them Mishloach Manot? I have read that we should address it to the family, but what is the appropriate protocol and what would be correct to write on the message? If we can we would like to deliver it as soon as possible. Many thanks & Purim Sameach

I have always understood that a person who has lost a parent within the past year is not supposed to receive Mishloach Manot. There is a single middle aged woman on my block who lives by herself. She is a non-observant Jew who knows almost nothing about Judaism or holidays. I am not a close friend of her because she mostly keeps to herself. But I have given her a Mishloach Manot every year I have lived here and it has always made her happy. Less than a year ago, she lost her mother to old age. Her mother was the person she was closest to and now she is crushed. I don’t see her often, but when I do, I can tell she is quite depressed. Common sense tells me depriving her of her annual Mishloach Manot just when she is grieving would be cruel. Regardless of this law, I just cannot see myself following it when it’ll only upset her as she is going through a rough time.   What is the proper thing to do?

I have some hearing loss that causes me not to hear the pitch of male voices clearly. But I can still hear female voices very well unassisted. My audiologist explained this to me well. I am in the process of acquiring a hearing aid that will correct the problem, but it takes several weeks to order and I won’t get it by Purim. There are women’s megillah readings in town open equally to men and women. Can I fulfill the mitzvah of hearing a megillah reading by listening to a woman read it?

Dear Rabbi, What is the story of Purim? Thanks and Happy Purim!

Dear Rabbi, Is it true that God is not mentioned in the Book of Esther? If so, why not? Thanks.

I’ve noticed that in modern times, many people treat Tu B’Shvat as an environmental holiday and use it to promote being eco-friendly. I’m very much into being eco-friendly myself and I believe it’s a Torah value. After all, we have a law, Deuteronomy 20:19-20, that forbids cutting down fruit bearing trees. But it seems that people celebrate the holiday this way have strayed from its real purpose as being the date that marks when trees become a year older. What are your thoughts about that?