Are dreidels muktzah? I never heard any such thing before, but my son’s rebbe says so because they are a gambling instrument.

Dear Rabbi, On a spiritual level, what is the most important message to learn from the holiday of Chanukah? Thank you and Happy Chanukah!

Dear Rabbi, The Chanukah miracle: A flask with one night’s oil burned for eight nights. But since there was oil for one night, the miracle actually lasted only seven nights! So why is Chanukah eight nights and not seven? Thank you and Happy Chanukah

Dear Rabbi, What is a “dreidel” and its connection to Chanukah? Thanks

On a spiritual level, what is the most important message to learn from the holiday of Hannukah?

Shalom, I’ve done this once before, about 15 years ago when my children were teens. I had heard that fasting for 40 days was a segulah for one’s children to grow up shomrei Torah Umitzvoth. That seem to have worked :). Anyway, I’m considering doing that again because of the ‘eis tzarah’ klal yisroel is in right now. If the 40 days run into Chanukah, do I fast on Chanukah? Second question, I’m 15 years older now, and I fear doing this will be quite a bit more difficult. If I drink over the course of the day, a coffee in the morning, some water or an energy drink in the early afternoon when I’m usually flagging during a busy day, even when I’m eating, would that still count as fasting for something like this. I appreciate any help with this.. Shloime