Dear Rabbi, when was the first rain? Did rain begin falling only during Noah's time? Was the mist mentioned in Gen. 2:6 “And a mist ascended from the earth and watered the entire surface of the ground” (Gen. 2:6) the only watering agent until the flood in Noah's days? Thanks.

What is the origin of the word “Hebrew” and what does it mean?

There are many people in the Torah. The righteous are Abraham, Job, and so on. There are many wicked people like Bilaam, Haman, and so on. Who do you think is the most wicked character in Torah? Haman? Esau? Or some other person?

Who do certain Haredi Jews (Neturei Karta and the Satmar Hasidim) oppose the modern State of Israel? I would imagine religious Jews should be happy to be able to return to and pray in Israel, Jerusalem, and the Western Wall.

My Birthright trip leader told us that, for religious reasons, he would not take private tours to the Temple Mount/Dome of the Rock. Why is that? That seems to be an opportunity to get closer to where the Beit Hamikdash once stood so wouldn't a Jewish person seize that opportunity if they could?

What do you think is one thing that non-Jews believe about Jews that is often misinformed or flat out incorrect? I'm asking in strictly a religious sense rather than relating to Israel or the Palestinian conflict.