OS 285 Dear Rabbi, Hi, I am attending a community college in Daytona Beach before I go to Berkeley, and I have a couple questions concerning the angle my humanities teacher takes. He states that there was no great Exodus out of Egypt for the Jews because archaeologists could not find trash in the desert enough for the "supposed" thousands of Jews migrating out from Egypt. He also states that the Jews were not slaves in Egypt. He admits to there being a small caste of Jews that were slaves, but not on the popular belief scale. I am the only Jew in class because he asked any Hebrew to raise their hand and mine was the only one that went up, so I stand alone when I ask him and question him. If you could give me any information about this I would feel better about the subject. These are only a few of the things my teacher has said that has made me anxious and on guard. Thank you.

ShalomWhy some hitorians said that the Temple was detroyed in 586 B:C whileothers said that it was on 480 B. C what is the real date.And how many years was the Temple in service counting the first andthe second one.thanks, Yom Tov

what percentage of the jews did not follow Moses out of egypt and what happened to them? do we know who they are and are they still considered to be jewish?

what can be considered the first incident/s of antisemitic, or shall we say antiJewish act or/and demonstration of hatred towords Jewish ideas and way of life? Is it right to assum that haterd towords the Jewish phylosophy of life precedes the emergens of Jews as a nation or as individual?