There is reference to Moshe being a prophet and lawgiver. However in Numbers 12:6-8, Hashem states that He makes Himself known to a prophet in vision, and speaks to him in a dream. 12:7 No so with My servant Moshe, he is trustworthy in all My house 12:8 I speak with him mouth to mouth, and plainly and not in riddles. And he sees the form of Hashem. So why were you not afraid to speak against My servant Moshe? Do you agree that these scriptures denote Moshe had deeper intimacy (SOD) with Hashem? What do you think?

I read that Abraham's parents were not Jewish. If so, how is he considered the first Jew? And, if he was the very first Jew, then what other religions were there? Double-thanks in advance!

Dear Rabbi, why is moving to Israel called “making aliyah”?

In what year was the Tower of Babel built? The flood occurred 1656 years after Creation. How many years later was the Tower of Babel built?  

Shalom aleichem Rabbi Lauffer. Thank you for answering my last question. Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky famously paskened that no Batei Midrash or yeshivos should be closed during the pandemic, only to retract his psak soon after when thousands became infected because of his mistaken psak. Can Rabbi Kanievsky be relied upon anymore in Torah matters, given his incorrect psak on this matter, which he was forced to retract? Thanks a lot.

The Hasmoneans usurped throne and priesthood. The Hasmoneans claimed the throne of Judah. Since they were not descendants of Judah (and therefore not from the House of David), the kingship was not their right. The Hasmoneans also made a family member high priest, which is the prerogative of a branch of Aaron’s family to which they did not belong. However, I read that the Hasmoneans were descended from Aaron of the tribe of Levi. Please explain how the Hasmoneans had no right to the priesthood. Who were the Hasmoneans descended from?

is it true that the ten grandsons of haman that got together in bnei brak? 1. where is story recorded? is it true after mordechais win she was metgayer and married an ehrlich man in beni brak? what is the source for this medrash? 2. how many kids did ketura have and what names and countries were they? also, is it true that the gifts of the far east ie nemerology and astrology and yoga and chinese medicine were given by avraham to ketura when he had to send her away. which were the specific gifts of the far east he gave her, and where is the source of this medrash?

what’s the deep understanding of the death penalty if one element of the koteret is missing?

Did the kings of Israel during the Talmudic era always give judgment according to the Torah or the Talmud?