Hi Rabbi, who gave Moshe his name? I heard it was the daughter of Pharaoh, who found him in the Nile River. If so, why didn’t his parents give him his name? Thanks.

When Jews escaped to Japanese-controlled Shanghai, China during World War II, why didn’t the Japanese treat the Jews like their German allies did?

Where was the ark of covenant when Jesus was crucified? and for the Calendar what was the time considered when Jesus walked the earth from birth to death?

Dear Rabbi: A student came to me the other day with the following question in reference to Genesis 15:13: "Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them 400 years." The young man is a Russian Jew who has become very interested in Judaism and is trying very hard to understand things from a Jewish perspective. Perhaps you would be willing to send me an opinion on this passage? He was very disturbed by it, commenting that he could not understand how G-d would willingly allow his people to be enslaved for 400 years. I would very much appreciate an answer from one of your rabbis on this. Many thanks.  

…does a Third Temple have to be built before sacrifices can resume in Israel - or can sacrifices resume at the correct (holy of holies location) on the Temple Mount without building a Third Temple ? if the answer is “yes” to question 1, then, what’s keeping construction from beginning tomorrow on the Third Temple ? – politics, Muslim control of the Temple Mount, or something else ?   Charles A. Rabalais

I cannot find where I read that in ancient times when a synagogue had 70 adult men they started a new synagogue. Thanks for your assistance.

Hi Rabbi, Is Judaism able to identify the descendants of King David in the modern world? If 'Yes' — who are they? And if not, when did the line end? Thank you.