Dear Rabbi, Would you teach me the meaning of the manna that was eaten in the desert after the Exodus from Egypt? Thanks

With a statistical majority of Arabs and Muslims around the world holding antisemitic views, must we assume that any given individual who is ethnically Arab or who practices the Islamic faith could be antisemitic until proven otherwise? Should we refrain from forming friendships with and doing business with any given Arab or Muslim until we determine they support Jews and Israel?

There are lists on the internet of celebrities who support Palestine following October 7. They have not verbally condemned Jews as a whole, just expressed support or concern for Palestinians. In fact, some of these lists include a few Jews. If someone is on that list, does that automatically give them the label ‘antisemite?’ Does publicly supporting Palestine in the absence of open support for the existence of a Jewish state render someone an antisemite?

In Genesis, when Joseph has the dream about the sheafs of wheat bowing to him; and Jacob asks him “Will your mother and I bow down to you?” Is the mother Jacob refers to Rachel or Leah? If my understanding is correct, Rachel has been dead for several years when this happened. Did Leah become Joseph and Benjamin’s mother when Rachel died?

Dear Rabbi, Are there any prophecies or credible predictions from any reliable sources that the future of American Jewry could come to a sudden, tragic collapse someday, similar to the Holocaust, or that Jews in the United States could face difficult times full of persecution from the majority of U.S. citizens and/or the government, motivating many Jews to leave the country while most are unable or unwilling to? Thank you so much!

Are there any prophecies or credible predictions from any reliable sources that the future of American Jewry could come to a sudden, tragic collapse someday, similar to the Holocaust, or that Jews in the United States could face difficult times full of persecution from the majority of U.S. citizens and/or the government, motivating many Jews to leave the country while most are unable or unwilling to?

How is it that David seems to have broken the Torah and put the ark in a tent of his choosing when the tent of Moses was 10 km away and still functioning? What is the proper Jewish thought towards David's actions? How did he get away with being a priest?