Does anyone ever discuss where was G-d during the Holocaust? Would a Chabad Rabbi ever marry a Jew who is in the process of becoming more observant? Is it sacrilegious to be cremated if you’re a Jew? Do Jews believe in hell? What is the best way to go about starting to study the Torah? Are women considered 2nd class citizens in Judaism? Why don’t orthodox Jews do bat mitzvahs for girls? How do Jews in Israel feel about Christians’ connection to Israel? Is it okay to talk to a therapist if you’re Orthodox? What is the meaning of the tree of life to Judaism?

Dear Rabbi Laufer, Do we have קבלה from the Sages that the final redemption will be similar to יציאת מצרים ? Does this include Rashi's 2nd פרוש of the word "חֲמֻשִׁ֛ים" ?

To the Reverend Rabbi: I have the habit of practicing masturbation and I want to stop, I ask you to indicate to me a Psalm that, when recited every day, will naturally cause me to lose interest and desire for this practice. Thank you for your attention.

From : m_aharon@yahoo.comAbout leading the funeral and say Kadish:We had a funeral in a Kehila, and instead of the regular Rabbi they had an apprentice Rabbi Student , around 20 years old, leading the service, later came out that the youngster still had his parents , so he is not entitled to say Kadish. The mistake was admitted and will not repeat itself. The reason that student did it was that he knew the family of the Niftar closely. Anyway; Two questions:1. I heared in a Shiur that it is better for somebody who is more experienced and who said already kaddish to perform funerals then a youngster (if e.g. both are of course Yirei Shamoyim and sing nicely)2.In a general way , Can somebody who never knew direct related loss (so never said Kaddish) say Kadish Derabonan or at Yom Hashoah for example? or lead funerals?Isn't it better to wait until he is ordained as a Rov?Thank youLichevod HaTorahA.Twersky

my ex said that all the persons Shefa or bounty in this world flows through their neshama name. I wanted to know the sources. I wanted my freind to go by her full neshama name as she only uses her second name and I feel changing her name may change her Mazel. Anything that can support my point as to reasons or sources would help

Hi. I have a question about shabbos. Am I allowed to set my timer on my coffee machine to start brewing shabbos morning?