Dear Respected Rabbi, Shalom! What do the commentaries state as to the first occurrence of rain? Did it begin only during Noah's floods time? Were the mists - Gen 2:6 - the sole watering agents till the Noah's floods? Thanks for your patient guidance for many years.  

G*d says in the Tanach that He is the one and only, but is the word one enach in the Hebrew? And does the word enach mean many and which are in harmony in each other and which have same mind and thoughts? Can one say `He` of many gods if they are `enach` and if not or if yes then why? Why G*d says "us" of Himself at least in the Genesis?

Is there a reason curse words are considered dirty or wrong?

Does God have justification for why mental illness exists?

Hashkafa---How to "know" Hashem? The Messilas Yesharim talks about "knowing" HASHEM.... Does that mean by learning Torah?

1. Do we believe in souls? if so, what happens to people's souls before they are born or after they die?2. If there's no hell what are the repercussions of not following Jewish commandments or law?3. What is the Jewish perspective on abortions?4. If a child is adopted are they considered Jewish?5. What is the official stance on same sex marriages?6. If a Jewish child is adopted by non Jews are they still considered Jewish by Jewish law?7. Why are women exempt from going to Shul three times a day but men arent?8. Why do we have to wait 8 days to circumcise a boy?9. Why do we have to wait 3 years to cut a boy's hair?10. Why do we concentrate mostly on Torah teachings instead of the other books of Tanach?

I have sent e mail but there is no response. Why?

I read an article saying that only US is the same level with Israel. Why is US so well evaluated by the jew?

Shalom! A friend of mine asked me about the laws described as "everlasting statutes" in the Torah. She wanted to know what kind of laws these are and why it is stressed that they are eternal (since the whole Torah and its laws are eternal themselves)? I tried to find an answer myself but didn't get too far. Can you tell me if there are discussions about this in the Talmud or somewhere else? Thank you!

Does anyone ever discuss where was G-d during the Holocaust? Would a Chabad Rabbi ever marry a Jew who is in the process of becoming more observant? Is it sacrilegious to be cremated if you’re a Jew? Do Jews believe in hell? What is the best way to go about starting to study the Torah? Are women considered 2nd class citizens in Judaism? Why don’t orthodox Jews do bat mitzvahs for girls? How do Jews in Israel feel about Christians’ connection to Israel? Is it okay to talk to a therapist if you’re Orthodox? What is the meaning of the tree of life to Judaism?