Hi, why is Hashem known as "He" ? Would be able to kindly enlighten me? Many thanks.

If God promises Abraham about Isaac and his offspring.... and God MADE Abraham believe strongly in that promises... So, wouldn't it be be an obvious mistake after that to test Abraham to sacrifice Isaac?! You see the contradiction? It is one of two: sacrification or making hopes in Isaac!

"However, if you do not obey the LORD your God and do not carefully follow all his commands and decrees I am giving you today, all these curses will come upon you and overtake you." (Deuteronomy 28:13). Does Hashem curse the person who do not follow the commands of the Torah?

Suppose I’m in shul. It’s during a time silence is mandatory, such as prayer or Torah reading. I am sitting next to someone who seemingly doesn’t know or care and keeps asking me a pressing question. I refuse to answer because of the mandatory silence, so he keeps on asking me louder and louder and more persistently trying to get the answer. Is it preferable for me to ignore him, which would cause him to keep talking increasingly annoyingly? Or is it better to make an exception and answer him, which would satisfy and silence him? I’m asking because I recently had a situation like this, and walking away or changing seats wasn’t an option either because of the crowd size.

Do miracles visible to us that clearly and openly defy the laws of science really occur today? You might think I’m crazy. But I think I might have experienced one. You see, I am not much a follower of religion or one who prays a lot, just one who knows I’m Jewish and attends high holiday services. A few months ago, I was on a business trip. I driving down a rural road in West Virginia, far from civilization, when I realized I had forgotten about my gas tank. I realized it was nearly empty. I suddenly panicked. And I did something I rarely do. I prayed that I would have enough fuel to make it to the next gas station. I was barely finished with my brief prayer when, lo and behold, a service station appeared on the side of the road. I quickly pulled in, relieved. The station had no familiar brand name on it. It was mostly a place that fixed cars and had two gas pumps. And a small store in a room where the cashier’s desk was found that sold snacks. I paid in this room with a credit card, filled my tank, and moved on with my journey. Two days later, I was driving home the same route with plenty of fuel in the tank when I was passing the same familiar spot. I had been hungry for a while and I thought I would stop at the same station for a snack. I pulled in to the lot, and to my dismay, the place was closed. Upon closer examination, it looked like the place had been abandoned. Unlike when I was there before, the building seemed to be in major disrepair with broken windows, rotting wood, and a caved in roof! And the pavement looked like it had been long neglected, unlike it was the day before. Across the street was a house on which an old man was sitting on the porch. I asked the man about the service station. He said it hadn’t been in business for the past 12 years! I told him I had just been there the other day. He thought maybe I was mistaken. But I know it had to be the same one because of the familiar surroundings, including this old man’s distinctive house and the lack of any service station of any type along the portion of that route I took in both directions. Even more astonishing, on my credit card statement, there is no record of the transaction I made and I evidently got the gasoline for free! Could it really be possible that I experienced a miracle that defies all logic?

Dear Rabbi, I am greatly perplexed by Isa. 43:10b. My English translations tend to render this part as ‘Before Me no god was formed, nor shall there be any after Me’. Needless to say, to an English reader this sounds a lot like HaShem is saying that He was Himself at some point formed (Isa. 43:13a seems to me to be saying the same thing too!). Can you help me understand these words? I cannot follow HaShem if He is not the Most High God!

Dear Rabbi, God is called Hamakom, which literally means "The Place." For example: "HaMakom y'nachem etchem - May the Omnipresent comfort you," or "Baruch HaMakom, baruch Hu - Blessed is the Omnipresent, blessed is He." What is the origin/source of this name for God?

What are the Jewish laws for transgender people? Are they considered according to Halacha to be their birth or assumed gender? In what gender’s side of a synagogue do they sit? Which gender’s ritual laws are they required to follow? Does a woman who became a man put on tefillin? Is a man who became a woman exempt? What gender person is one supposed to marry? Must a man who became a woman dress according to modesty laws of women? Is there a problem seeing members of one’s assumed gender dressed immodestly or having members of one’s assumed gender seeing one dressed immodestly? Is there a problem being isolated with members of one’s birth or assumed gender? Must one refrain from physical contact with members of one’s birth or assumed gender? How are these issues addressed?

I always have questions about Hashem even though I grew up frum. Whenever I read Stories of emuna and bituchon I cringe. I read enough hashkafa already and I still don't understand. I am in therapy for childhood abuse so I know my questions make sense. But still, do I have hope that one day I will understand that I don't have to understand? How can I read articles without feeling pain and resistance to every word that connects to God?