excuseme rabbi , my name is kevin im 25 years old , and live in indonesia my father are indian descent and my mother grand mother are portuguesse jews, is that mean am a jewish

I have been raised as a Christian, however, my documented genealogy going back to the early 1800's are Jews from Poland, Russia, and Romania. My mother is the only Christian. Because my mom was not Jewish, would I not have a claim to the Jewish religion? My surname is Lebovitz. Many thanks for your reply.

Is Torah separate from God or is Torah actually God? I heard someone say that the Tanya writes that the Torah is a manifestation of God's will and therefore is God. But that seems a little confusing to me. I thought the Torah is just a channel to reach God and spirituality. But then again there is a chazal that says "Oraysa ve'Kudsha Brich Hu chad Hu." What does that mean?