If one has very little time to daven, is it preferable to ‘speed daven’ on autopilot with little or no kavana or to skip davening altogether?

Was it Rabbi Becher or Riette who give a talk on the meaning of each Hebrew letter? I attended a lecture many years ago and this thought has stuck with me all these years and I'd like to pursue this thought with the Rabbi. Thank you,   //Leonard Karz 516-582-9610

What are the rules for saying "vaya'avor" in Tachanun? It says that if you are davening with a minyan, you say it, but what are the limits/rules to that? (i.e., if you are behind the minyan; you came late; you went ahead, etc.) When do you say it, and when don't you?

In Shulchan Aruch, the Alter Rebbe says that you may not say Hashem's names in any language, and then gives an example of "God" in Yiddish, and "God" in Russian/Ukranian, and mentions how you can't say the word for it, and then he goes on to say that you cant say Hashem's name in any other language at all. So I was wondering: What the conditions/limits are to that, and if it makes a difference if you are being mekarev someone, etc. Thanks!

The angel of Edom is Satan. Edom also represents for Roman Empire, Western Civilization, and Christianity. Is the angel of Christianity Satan? Is there Satanic power behind Christianity?

Shalom Rabbi, I was wondering the difference between ADONAI and YAHWEH? I don't understand the difference as far as Scripture goes. I do understand there is no "J" in the Jewish alphabet, so how would YAHWEH JIRAH really be? Thanks Rabbi. May GOD bless and keep you Duncan Scott Anderson