Shalom! As in the case of a hurricane hitting FL, why pray? Is it so we feel closer to Hashem? We as individuals can't do anything about it, but G-d can if He wills it. Why not let Him handle it without our trying to micro-manage it ourselves? What is gained by prayer? Are we showing off to others? To G-d? To ourselves? Is the alternative to sit by with our faith and know G-d does what's best? If so then....why pray? Just have faith? Not that there is anything wrong with "just" having faith. I feel led to pray about this hurricane and I may say a prayer of protection or me shebeirach which is really for the already ill, but why pray at all? We're partners with G-d? Is that maybe part of the reason we pray in such times? Thanks! gut yontiff, Jeffrey Kahn Fayetteville, NC

Dear Rabbi, with the creation of light, our awareness of our present condition began. But the sun and the moon were not created immediately, so how was it possible for the first day to end? I'm sure this basic question has been asked before along with several others of a related kind. Where is a good English source to find the answers?  

My question deals with the human mind and consciousness of the world.   Genesis 2:7.   “God formed the Human blowing into his nostrils the (mind) breath of life: the Human became a living being.”   Def: לְנֶ֥פֶשׁ: breath of life, mind, soul   I believe this pesuk answers what scientists and philosophers have questioned for centuries. Many believe that neurons, synapsis’, electrical signals along nerve pathways, and brain chemicals are the origin and reality of our conscious minds.   The question is how matter/atoms attach consciousness and wisdom to dust. How does brain matter or dust see, hear, taste, smell, feel, or have an awareness of thoughts, cognition, dreams, and interpersonal relationships? We must look closely at Genesis 1:26-27 for a more accurate understanding of Hashem’s creation.   “And God said, “Let us make humankind in our image, after our likeness. They shall rule the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, the cattle, the whole earth, and all the creeping things that creep on earth.” And God created humankind in the divine image, creating it in the image of God—creating them male and female.” As Hashem has no likeness, image, or substance, to whom is He talking? In human terms, our human consciousness/mind has no likeness, image, or substance. Could the Infinite Creator be a MIND be talking to our finite created mind’s consciousness? Before He blew us in the nostrils of our matter/atom body at first breath, we became humankind.   Your insight is appreciated.  

I am a Jew raised conservative in the New York City area. I recently took a job in the Dallas Texas metroplex which has a population of about 8 million people and consist of approximately 50,000 Jews. Most of my neighbors work colleagues and now friends are devout Southern Baptist. As soon as they find out that I am Jewish, They tell me that until I accept Jesus as the my lord and savior who died on the cross for my sins, I am going to hell. I then give them all the typical Jewish responses for example. We Jews don’t even believe in hell. But it really bothers me that these people who say they love me are Condemning me to a place which they believe is a place of terrible suffering for eternity. What should I say to them? I really don’t want to just abandon all of them. My second question is. I am a secular Jew like about 90% of the 15 million Jews on earth. I am not Torah observant. How do I get right with God and request forgiveness if I have no intention to follow any of the Torah commandments or laws? When I die. This is the Jewish rabbinical thought that I will go to Gehenna or some sort of purgatory place for proximately 11 months and then I will go to heaven is that where I am distant when I die?

Nehemiah 13:3 Now it came to pass, when they had "heard" the "law" that they "separated" from Yisrael "all" the mixed multitude ereb spelled Ayin~Resh~Bet. I find this passage riveting. Bera means "son of evil" spelled Bet~Resh~ Ayin shares identical "letters" with ereb Ayin~Resh~Bet. This denotes the mixed multitude were "evil sons" of haughty spirit . Yisrael is a "peculiarly " clean heart people that have been Torah water "sprinkled". (Psalms 73:1 Truly, G-d "good" to Yisrael, even to "such" as are of a "clean" heart. Ezekiel 36:25 Then I will sprinkle "clean" water on you, and ye shall be clean: from all your "filthiness" and from all your "idols" will I cleanse you. Torah also teaches that Hashem will perform a "new" heart & Spirit transplant. Ezekiel 36:26 A "new" heart also will I give you, and a "new" Spirit will I put "within" you: I will take away the "stony" heart out of your "flesh", and I will give you and "heart" of flesh. Ezekiel 36:37 I will put My Spirit "within" you and "cause" you to "walk" in MY "statues" and ye shall "keep" My "judgments". In Nehemiah 13:3 afore mentioned when Yisrael (clean heart people) "heard" [shama Verb meaning to listen consent,perceive,obey] the "law" Torah, Yisrael (clean heart ) "separated" from "all" the mixed multitude. Numbers 11:4 And the "mixed" multitude that was "among" them fell a "lusting". And the children of Yisrael "wept" again, and said, Who shall give us "flesh" to eat? This oracle is astonishing indeed. The word for mixed multitude is "acpcuph" means "promiscuous" assemblage,rabble,scoundrel Aleph~Samek~Pei~Samek~Pei . Once again "clean" and "unclean" can't comfortably coexist together. Chaos, confusion, and "spiritual " contamination will "always" permeate. So what's the "solution" to all this haughty spirit evolution in the world today? Shalom