Gentiles have to respect and honor orthodox Jews. This is absolutely true. But there are many secular Jews. Sadly, Many of the prominent atheists are Jews. For example, Sam Harris, who is one of the most popular atheists with Richard Dawkins, is Jewish. Do we Noahides honor him, because he is a Jew? Or do we have to despise him because he is an atheist? Thank you.

Dear Rabbi , thanks for giving us some of your time .. I just Can't forgive God ...some times i do feel hatered towards him ...i can't just stop believing that the story he invented was all bulls***t ... Why did he gave permission for a pig like human to kill the other one ! Just why ! Tell me why ! Just why some where poor others are not ! I know thats its a matter of politics and some goverments are not looking for their peolpe ..but why he gave permission for a man and a woman who are just playing and having fun in sex to give birth ? Do they deserve it ? Why did he gave bad poeple money ? Do they deserve it ? Just why he allowed from the very begining of the human kind that a man killed his brother from his mother and father Why did he just allowed that ..why didnt he end this story in a way or another ...where is his wisdom after all .. Dear Rabbi ... Im feeling giulty but in the same time i think i have the right justto tell God that he must have thought carefully before he could invent all this unlogical mess ... As if the humanity and mankind are drunk with a flask of badmess not wine ..In judism perspective i giulty thinking that way ? Is it forbidden to say that God had made a lot of mistakes since its a great sin in islam ? Does this kind of thinkingatch in a way or another in judism ?

Hashkiveinu Prayer at Maariv ends differently on weekday night versus Friday night. Weekday Baruch ata Adonai Shomeir Amo Yisrael La-ad Baruch ata Adonai eternal guardian of Your people Israel. Friday night Ufros aleinu sukkat shelomecha Baruch ata Adonai ... v'al kol amo yisrael v'al yerushalayim May You spread over us your canopy of peace Baruch ata Adonai ... over all the people Israel, and over Jerusalem. Please explain the differences and the reason that the prayer is different.

If one is trying to daven mincha before sunset (the time that would be 18 minutes after candlelighting if it were a Friday), and he barely misses this time, and there is still some visible daylight in the minutes that immediately follow, is he still permitted to daven mincha then? Or does he wait until maariv and recite maariv amidah twice?

Does God speak to us through secular music? You see, seven years ago, I was up to no good. I dropped out of college and was scamming people for a living. I was yet to get caught and thought I had found a perfect scheme I could get away with. I was driving to my next scam when a song called “Been Caught Stealing” by the 1990s band Jane’s Addiction came on the radio. I never heard that song before. My car has a display that says the title and artist of each song that plays and I could clearly see that. The song came out before I was born, but and the message on the display suddenly felt like a warning. I didn’t do the scam that day, and I decided immediately to straighten myself out. It’s been seven years since and I have heard the song many other times and I now earn an honest living as a real estate agent.