Hi, does Exodus Rabbah say that the Pharaoh was the same person during whole stay in Egypt? Is there any other comments or information about that? 210 years seems a long time.   Thank you for your answer.

K’vod HaRav, Isn’t there a statement by חז״ל to the effect that had the non-Jewish world known at the time when the Romans were laying siege to Yerushalaim what they stood to lose if Yerushalaim was destroyed, they all would have come to defend it?

Jeremiah prophecies about Rachel weeping for her children because they “are not” many commentators say he is comparing this to Rachel. However Rachel did end if conceiving.. so I don’t understand. What does a voice heard in Rama?

Hello, In the past millennia or so, why did so many Jewish people end up in Europe (and eventually North America) and settling there instead of the East like the Orient? Did Jews prefer the Western cultures or lands over the East was it just pure coincidence or circumstances? Why did history turn out that way? As someone of Far East Asian descent who admires Jewish culture, it saddens me a little there isn't much Jewish history in China, Korea, Japan compared to Europe like Germany, France, Italy, Ukraine, Russia, Lithuania, Poland, etc.

When I study Jewish history, I found out that most of the years have passed Jewish nation in the state of exile. It's very unique to Jews, and no other nation has experienced such a lengthy galut. Exile causes great pain. Why has HaShem put Jews into the such a long exile. What's the purpose of exile. What benefit is there to go through such a painful galut?

I met in the USA a Jewish kid who was sweet, me and him were on deportation. I was a Palestinian muslin, he is a Jewish kid from Russia. He prayed 3 times a day and introduced me to the Torah and Sidur. We both enjoyed both books. I fell in love in Moses' teachings and in the prayer, and I converted to be a Jew. Then months later I got deported to the Palestinian territory where now I can't say or dare to read and practice in peace my new faith ! Can a rabbi or a faithful Jew help me? Please save me, I need to join a Jewish school and learn Hebrew and the Jewish faith, please

BSD. I think there is a Midrash that teaches us that the 70 souls going into Mitzrayim did not include the wives of the sons of Yaakov Avinu. Does anyone know anything about this? Does the count include the wives? Can someone please tell me who are counted in the 70 souls? Thanks

In most English translations of Zechariah 3:9, it says, “I will remove the iniquity of that land…” My question is about the article “that.” Is there a clear distinction in scriptural Hebrew between articles such as “a,” “the,” “this,” and “that?” Would it be incorrect to translate the verse as “the land,” rather than “that land?”

Jews have been scattered among nations for most of their history. Babylon, Spain, Eastern Europe, Turk empire, and so on. In fact, HaShem said in Torah that He will scatter Jews. Why are Jews scattered in a certain era and in a certain region? Why are Jews in 17th century in Eastern Europe? Is there any reason that Jews have been in a specific region in a specific era?

Dear Rabbi: A student came to me the other day with the following question in reference to Genesis 15:13: "Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them 400 years." The young man is a Russian Jew who has become very interested in Judaism and is trying very hard to understand things from a Jewish perspective. Perhaps you would be willing to send me an opinion on this passage? He was very disturbed by it, commenting that he could not understand how G-d would willingly allow his people to be enslaved for 400 years. I would very much appreciate an answer from one of your rabbis on this. Many thanks.