I was just offered a modeling job for men’s apparel. I am supposed to put them on briefly for photo shoots. Some of them might have shatnes, but I have no way of knowing. What should I do about this?

Dear Rabbi, What is the Jewish definition of “love”? Thank you

Rabbis, Thank you for your time! I'm just a gentile who's very interested in Ancient Hebrew, pre and post Exodus, history. What is the meaning of the term Anshe, when referring to 'a Mighty Warrior?'

Judaism says that Jews have to keep much bigger number of mitzvahs (613) than gentiles (only 7). This is strange because the members of a prestigious and chosen group nor,ally and traditioanlly have fewer obligations than a non-chosen people. For example, noble class people did almost no work, but had big property rights in the time before French Revolution. So, why do Jews have to keep much more mitzvot than gentiles if Jews are a chosen people?

Is there a "definitive" explanation about what does and doesn't need to be tested for Shatnez? I can't seem to get a consistent answer. Some I ask say that only certain suspect items need testing while others list a set of items that amounts to the majority of my wardrobe. What is the commonly followed halachic view of this matter? Does everything need to be tested when possible? Does a 100% cotton [etc.] tag matter? If I have multiple items from the same package, like socks or underwear, is it okay to test just one of them? Thank you and have a wonderful day and onward.

My female cousine who is gay and Jewish is in the process of removing her female body parts and get a male body part According to Jewish law after “remodeling” is she a man or a female and if a man can she/ he be called to the Torah in a Satie shul  

If the letter "Chet" means to separate and cut off, half, divide - and the meaning of the letter "Yud"| is worship, doesn’t their combination as the word "Chai" (which actually means "life") indicate “separate from worship”? I don’t see where they get "life" in this word. Please explain.

1 Chronicles 8:9: sons of Shacharayim with wife Chodesh Yud~Vav~Bet~Bet - Yowbab - "a desert" Tzaddi~Bet~Yud~Aleph Tsibya - "roe" Mem~Yud~Shin~Aleph Meysha - "freedom" Mem~Lamed~Kaf~Mem Malkam - "their great king" I see that the letters Vav~Aleph~Tav connect each of the names . What's significant about the Aleph~Tav ? Does Aleph~Tav clarify something? I've noticed in other passages of Scripture when naming descendants or persons, Aleph~Tav isn't used. Does Aleph~Tav denote a special relationship with G-d? Curious to know.

Hi Rabbi, I was wondering about how rabbis function in one regard.   A rabbi is allowed to "mater" (permit) things in matters of of Jewish law. Like once a rabbi told me I could eat fish at a non-kosher restaurant with my family (who are not observant). He said I should have the fish double wrapped when cooked. It was a pressing matter.   I was wondering, though, if a rabbi is allowed to "mater " and permit something for himself, or must he go to a different rabbi to get "matered" and permitted for him?