Shalom aleichem Rabbi Lauffer. Thank you for answering my last question. Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach in Minchas Shlomo 1:5 and Rabbi Moshe Feinstein in Igros Moshe EH 4:62:3 ruled that if a Jew turns on a light on Shabbos, another Jew would be forbidden to use that light to read, even if he could have read without this light, because this light makes it easier for him to read. Are there any poskim that are lenient and allow one to read, since he could have read even without this additional light, just that it's easier to read with the additional light? Thanks.

Shalom aleichem Rabbi Lauffer. Thank you for answering my last question. Just as a follow-up question to the answer that Rabbi Lauffer gave, I looked up one of the sources that Rabbi Lauffer provided that was Chut Shani Vol. 2 pg. 47, which I believe is the following תינוק שנשבה שעשה מלאכה בשבת צ״ע אם נאסר להשתמש בזה, והנידון בזה האם דינו כשוגג, או דינו גרע משוגג ואפשר דלא אסרו חז״ל בכה״ג, וצ״ע If this is indeed the Chut Shani that the article referenced, can Rabbi Lauffer translate that for me, thanks.

Shalom aleichem Rabbi Lauffer. On Shabbos, would it be problematic to handle a plastic bag full of challah rolls if by doing so some of the ink from the logo on the package comes off on one's hands, thereby causing ink to adhere to one's hands, and also thereby removing some of the ink from the package? Thanks.

Recently my husband was given a write up at work for using the word Jew to help pronounce a word. His boss was enraged and said that he shouldn't be using that word and gave him a written warning that stated if he used the word again he would be in a lot of trouble. She said the word was very offensive and shouldn't be used in the work place. I am not Jewish so I honestly had no idea how this word could be in any way a slur. I was hoping that someone here would be able to tell me what his boss meant by the word being offensive sense she herself is also not Jewish and failed to give an explanation to it. I also can't really find anything online on the topic either. I'm not looking to get into any arguments or offend anyone just to better understand.

Hi, I'm looking for a source that states that a man must know or learn the entire Torah. Do you know of any? Thanks,

I am getting investors for my business. How do I make sure that they can receive payment for their investments without halachik problems.