Hi, I’m beginning to observe certain Jewish practices, but want to remain “normal” — if you know what I mean. Not too strict but still doing the right thing. Any guidance for me? Thanks!

Hello, I'm currently studying Judaism and am trying to attain a deeper understanding of the faith by asking individuals who live it out, rather than going by the textbooks. My Questions are: What impact has Moses Maimonides had on your Jeiwsh life? (if any)? How important do you believe it is to be environmentally ethical as a Jewish individual? (if at all)? I would really appreciate your view on these questions, Thanks

Hi Rabbi, what does Judaism teach about what people are doing nowadays by going around with cameras and filming in police stations, city halls, post offices and other public places? They call themselves “first amendment auditors,” claiming to be protecting the peoples’ rights of freedom of speech and freedom of the press. But a lot of people, including me, don’t like being filmed by someone I don’t know. And especially if my picture would be published without permission! Don’t I have a right to privacy? Thanks!

Shalom aleichem Rabbi Lauffer. Thank you for answering my last question. If one’s mother asks him to carry her purse so that she can walk unencumbered, would he be allowed to wear the purse over his shoulder, or would this be forbidden on account of lo silbash, as it is a lady’s purse? If this would be forbidden, would he be allowed to simply carry the purse in his hands, or would this also be forbidden? Thanks a lot.

Dear Rabbi, I just came back from my first Orthodox Jewish funeral. I didn’t understand a lot of the service, but I was really moved and inspired by being there. What do you suggest is the message I should take from this experience? Thank you.

Dear Rabbi, when I sit down at my desk and start the workday is there a prayer I should be saying right then? What I’m trying to ask is: How does a person bring God into one’s personal workplace?