My home was not observant, so I feel a little lost. I work nights, and my sleep-wake cycle is opposite the norm. So, when is the proper time for me to say שמע ישראל Should I reverse the order and say the morning prayer(s) in the evening, and vice versa? Many thanks MK

Can you give some tips how I can work on my self-confidence? Are there Jewish sources that address this issue? Thank you very much.

Dear Rabbi, I’d like to learn more about the concept of faith according to Judaism. Would you please point me in the right direction to better help me understand this topic? Thanks!

I live for others. Dying would hurt them so much. Spent the last 6 months trying to get help. And not getting it. Why are they worth it? What makes their pain come before me? I don't want to hurt them. I don't want them to hurt. And some people really will hurt. Still. Why are they worth it?