Shalom, Rabbi. I once heard from one rabbi that Chutzpah is so essential for Jewish survival. What is chutzpah, and why is it so important for Jewish survival? Thank you.

If a non jewish person eats non kosher, can they eat with kosher utensils rights after?

Dear Rabbi, A friend asked my opinion about his starting a business relationship with someone I think is disingenuous and a conflict entrepreneur. My friend knows I stay away from that person, without any social media contact as well. But my friend is very enthusiastic to do a deal with him and asked me why I don't have contact with him. If I were to be honest I would tell him, but it would be mostly negative and I don’t want to be a “snitch.” However, he keeps pressing me and I feel like I'm being dishonest by not telling him what I really think. He respects my opinion. How much can I say without it transgressing the Jewish laws and spirit that teach not speaking negatively against another person? Thank you.

Have a lot of printed sheets the kids bring home from school ie: Tests that have pesukim in the questions and answers ie: I print the Daily Halacha Authored by Rabbi Eli Mansour What is considered Shaimos? And which items can I discard by double wrapping and placing in the garbage?  

Dear Rabbi, I have been considering converting to Judaism, but I identify as transgender (female to male). I have not had any gender affirming treatments as of right now. Am I allowed to convert? Does Jewish law permit transitioning? If I were to convert before undergoing any treatments, would I convert as a woman, and would I have to re-do any procedures following my transition? Do I need to wait until after transition to convert? I apologize if this is a question to which the answer is obvious. Thank you!