I noticed a difference in weekday Modim and the Modim for Shabbat. In the weekday Modim it says - hey, mem, reish, chet, memsofit. In the Shabbat one, there is a vav added to the beginning. Do you happen to know why the difference? It essentially adds "and" but I do not know why (apologies, the keyboard I am using does not have Hebrew on it).

Dear Rabbi, My friend has six lovely children. I’m not jealous but shouldn’t we be concerned about overpopulation? What about depletion of the natural resources of “Mother Earth”? Your thoughts please,Rabbi? Thank you.  

Can I pray at any time or is bathing from the river is obligatory before doing this?

Dear Rabbi, Firstly, a huge yeshar koach on this website; I feel you are providing an invaluable service to the Jewish community worldwide. My question is as follows: My city is blessed with multiple frum yeshivos, each with a slightly different hashkafa. I am currently in my final year of a 4-year post high school Bais Medrash program. I would like to know whether: Once I complete my program, I’m allowed to switch to a different rav in the city for general and specific guidance in life—a rav who has a generally more liberal hashkafa (but is still solidly within the Torah framework). And if so, do I need to obtain my current rav’s (Rosh Yeshiva’s) permission? (Reason for my question: When I enrolled in my Bais Medrash program, I wasn’t aware at the time how “right wing” and strict the yeshiva was compared to most other yeshivas in my city. Just to cite an example: The hashkafa of my Rosh Yeshiva is that bochurim should ONLY look for a wife who can financially support their full-time Torah learning. I, on the other hand, don't want to restrict my options. As much as I love learning, I also have other interests/passions and I don't see the harm in starting my own business, for example, while learning a bit in the mornings and a bit at night. Another example is regarding the use of the internet; my Rosh Yeshiva, in my view, is overly strict in his approach) Thank you! ps. On a totally unrelated matter, I noticed that on this template there is a error that you may want to fix: "Do you need a video to description the problem better ?" Should be "to describe".  

Hi Rabbi, A friend showed me a verse in the Torah that says: “All God asks is that you do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with God.” I am not Orthodox but am trying to learn about my Judaism and want to understand what would make me a good Jew. Is it really enough to “do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with God” to be a good Jew? Thanks!