Are there any disabilities that in modern times render an individual unfit to take part in a ritual practiced in Jewish life today, even if one wanted to?

Hello, I am a convert, my wife and my daughter (8 weeks) are Jewish. I have a Gentile ex-spouse, with whom I fathered two children almost 10 years ago. My question pertains to Ezra 10:10-11 as well as the portion in the Talmud (Yevamot 23a). How does this apply to me with parental & paternal Gentile children not being a Jewish man's children, even if his seed made them. I wasn't Jewish when I conceived them, but I am now. As heartbreaking as it seems, I just want to follow halacha and do what's right by them as well.

Dear Rabbi, My child recently came home from school and complained that some classmates are picking on him. He doesn’t want to tattle on them to the teacher because this could cause the classmates to pick on him even more. Rabbi, please advise me on the Jewish way to help him. Thank you.