Hi If you have been saying shehakol nihiyeh bidvaro and you read from learning that Sephardim it’s shehakol nihiyah bidvaro, is it more fitted to switch to saying nihiyah bidvaro, or maybe it’s become accepted among both Ashkenazim and Sephardim to say nihiyeh, so better to continue with nihiyeh?

I have a question for your "Ask the Rabbi" series. At a Jewish wedding the groom places the glass under his foot and smashes it into several pieces. What is the significance of this act? I have a friend who is soon to be married and he asked me this question.

I saw someone kiss the hand of a person who looked like a Rabbi. I realize that this is considered a sign of respect but I wonder if this practice has a source in Jewish teachings. Thank you very much, Rabbi.

Do you have to dip apple in honey lunchtimes on the 1st & 2nd days of Rosh Hashanah or is it just in the evenings?

I would like to ask the rabbi a question. I was at a birthday party recently and the hostess insisted that the birthday boy not blow out the candles. Rather, she put them out by hand. Is there any basis to this practice? And, if so, what’s the difference between blowing out a candle and extinguishing it by hand? Thanks!

Our son recently got engaged, and we have heard of a pre-marriage ceremony called "The Breaking of the Plate." What is the significance of this ceremony and is it done? Thank you!

Dear Rabbi, Who is a Rabbi? Does it require a degree like becoming a doctor? A bit of historical background would be appreciated. Thanks!

Dear Rabbi, I read that it is important to cover your head and not walk more than 4 Amos without a head covering out of respect for the Divine presence. For what reason is this only applicable to men? Why don't women also cover their heads before marriage?