Dear Rabbi, I saw a video of an IDF soldier in Gaza who showed that he has a 20 NIS bill tucked in a special pocket on his sleeve near his shoulder. Is this some kind of a Jewish custom or just another place to keep money in addition to his regular pocket? Thanks

Dear Rabbi, During the recent war I’ve seen video clips of Israeli soldiers and civilians singing and saying “Am Yisrael Chai.” It seems to be an expression of elation and triumph. What does it mean and where does it come from? Thanks

Dear Rabbi, I was contacted by a group in Israel to volunteer visiting wounded soldiers in the hospital on occasion. Sounds good and I am wondering if this is mitzvah and what should be the goal my going? Thanks!

Dear Rabbi, What prayer can I do to ask for protection for the people of Israel? Thank you

I, in fact, don't know anyone that supports Hamas since i only have contact with my Jewish community, but if i ever made contact with someone who supports Palestine/Hamas, how could i convince them that it is wrong?

What should be the best to do if I am surrounded be people who are not Jewish, they are insulting me and telling me horrible thing about Israel and Jewish people. What should I do in that situation, defend myself, my people and my country or just ignore them?

Hello Rabbi, I am a Christian, and as such I am commanded by God to support Israel. I live in a small town with no synagogues or Jewish community centers and all I have to donate is my time and energy, as my finances are spoken for before I get them, is there anyway a gentile like myself can show support for Israel? I’m a pretty crafty guy as I can sew, crochet, knit, cross stitch, and design patterns for these kinds of projects. If you can think of anything that might be helpful please let me know. Sincerely, Craig SGT. U.S. Army (Ret)