My nine year old asked me "If God created the world and the universe, who created God? Where did God come from?" I am not sure how to answer this question and am looking for a way to explain this to him so that he can understand it. I appreciate your assistance.

Calendars in many countries are from Monday through Sunday, making Sunday the seventh day. What day is the biblical seventh day in those Monday - Sunday countries? Sincerely, George

In Genesis 2:7 - "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." What does "living soul" mean?

Why did God create Eve from Adam’s rib bone and not from any other part of the body?  

I would like to know if there is scientific evidence on evaluation. Why don't Jews believe it and do we just not believe even when there's evidence?

i was recently hearing a discussion i know it might sound funny but it was about the earth being flat or a circle i was just wondering if there is any proofs either way from the tnach or the gemoroh and would love to hear them thanks

Hi Rabbi, why did God command for Adam and Eve to not eat from the tree of knowledge — since He knew in advance that they would not obey? Thanks.

This is an age old question: Where did dinosaurs and Neanderthals fit into creation? Were they all before Adam or after Genesis and Adam etc.?