Dear Rabbi, I know that as Jews, we do not question what came before Creation and what will come after Mashiach. That being said, how are we supposed to view scientific discoveries, such as dinosaur fossils and carbon dating? I do not believe the world is billions of years old (unless it’s true that every day of Creation could’ve been much more than one day), but how can we explain it? Thank you!

A children's book someone just gave me refers to the fact that we get thirsty after we are already dehydrated as a "design flaw in the human body." Of course, I plan to color the offending sentence with permanent marker, but this raised a question. I know that Hashem created everything to be perfect, so why is it that we do not in fact get thirsty until we are already lacking in water? Wouldn't it make more sense to feel thirst before we dehydrate?

Israel recently launched a spacecraft to land on the moon and this got me thinking if Judaism believes there is life on places besides our Earth. I’d appreciate your “Rabbi thoughts” on this topic. Thanks!