Suppose a poor individual or a Jewish organization approaches you, begging for tzedaka. But you’ve already given a sufficient amount of your income to tzedaka in accordance with Torah laws, and you would like to use the money you have remaining for yourself and your family. The individual or organization does not care that you’ve given a lot of tzedaka already because none of it benefits them. Are you still required to give?

Dear Rabbi, Why is giving charity to the poor such an important principle in Judaism? Thanks

Rabbi, thank you for taking time to read and respond to my question. What level of tzedakah is giving on behalf of another? For example, if someone is having a birthday and one gives to a cause they support, what level would that be?

Is it permissible to give my 10 percent share of my profit to a non Jewish organizations charity or I can only give to Jewish charitys?

When we visited my grandmother recently I noticed she had a small colorful box at the entrance for putting coins into for charity. Does this box have a name? Is it a common thing to have? Thanks.

Why is giving charity to the poor such an important principle in Judaism?