What's the source for "Chanukah gelt" - giving money or presents on Chanukah? Does it have a Jewish source, or is it something we copied from others so Jewish kids wouldn't feel left out? Does it have any significance? Thank you.

Did our Sages exercise at all? How could the Maccabeans be so strong and know about warfare without practicing and working out? Of course this was one of the miracles which happened on Chanukah, but is there more we can say about the importance of exercising?

When lighting the chanukiah, do you use the same shamash each of the 8 nights or do you let each night's shamash melt as well and use another the next night? Thanks, Alex

Hello, Does Hanukkah start this year on the eve of Dec. 25th? Are there any particular prayers to be said as the candles are lighted? Are they different each night? Which renditions of the Hanukkah story do you like best? Thanks