In Jewish tradition, what is the significance of the olive? From a culinary standpoint, it is something relatively minor. In modern times, it is eaten primarily as an accessory in salads and as a pizza topping, but is by no means a staple crop. It is also used to make olive oil, which is not the most popular type of oil, probably in part because of its high cost. In the Temple in Jerusalem, it was used to light the menorah, and some people use it for their Chanukah candles. With all that in mind, why is the olive valued so heavily more than other things we eat way more often?

Dear Rabbi, The Chanukah miracle: A flask with one night’s oil burned for eight nights. But since there was oil for one night, the miracle actually lasted only seven nights! So why is Chanukah eight nights and not seven? Thank you and Happy Chanukah

Does facetime or Zoom work for pirsumei nisa? Specifically, if I get home late at night and my family is sleeping the halacha requires to wake someone up to have pirsumei nisa. Can I facetime a friend to watch me light?

Can a Jew recite the blessings if the Hanukkah candles were lit by a non-Jew? (Specifically, a non-Jew lit the shamash, and then a Jew took the shamash from him and lit the Hanukkah candles from it). My point is not whether a non-Jew can light the Hanukkah candles (being in the process of conversion, without blessings or just for fun). My point is whether a Jew can recite the appropriate blessings over such a candle - lit by a Gentile. It seems to me that this is not permitted. (Nor is it about a situation in which, say, a disabled Jew has only a non-Jewish caregiver to assist him, and if that non-Jew doesn't light a candle for him, performing the mitzvah is not possible). Translated with (free version)

Can we start lighting the Hannuka candles from inbetween the 8 days? Also, if for some reason, a day was skipped without lighting the Hannuka, can we continue lighting the Hannuka??   What is the halacha in this regards?

There are certain things which Halacha prohibits to do in front of certain things because of Kedushah. You can’t for example be naked or have sex in front of an exposed visible sefer or mezuzah. You can’t bring sefarim or teffilin into the restroom. So what’s the Halacha about a menorah on Hanukah? Can you get changed, have sex in front of, bring into the restroom etc? Do any rabbis speak against this? Sources please

Are dreidels muktzah? I never heard any such thing before, but my son’s rebbe says so because they are a gambling instrument.

Dear Rabbi, On a spiritual level, what is the most important message to learn from the holiday of Chanukah? Thank you and Happy Chanukah!

Dear Rabbi, The Chanukah miracle: A flask with one night’s oil burned for eight nights. But since there was oil for one night, the miracle actually lasted only seven nights! So why is Chanukah eight nights and not seven? Thank you and Happy Chanukah