can Jewish people believe Jesus rose from the dead, but not that he’s messiah? apologizes if that doesn’t make sense.

what does Judaism have to say regarding Hannah Arendt’s theory that evil is passive, banal rules following as opposed to a form of active conscious evil?

Is existentialism, a western/continental philosophical movement founded primarily by Fyodor Dostoevsky, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Søren Kierkegaard, compatible with Judaism? I ask as Joseph soloveitchik studied Kierkegaard

What is Judaism’s perspective on the debate of the principle of univocity of being and whether it is true or not? I could see a non univocal argument supporting Kierkegaard’s notion of the suspension of human good to serve God’s good in the akeida

Shalom. I recently got to know that there is a Jewish sector whose name is Jewish Universalism. It is founded by Steven Blane. Thus sector claims that Judaism is open to anybody. It seems that it is one form of Reform Judaism. It is running Sim Shalom group. Is it OK for Jews and gentiles to participate online service of this denomination? Thank you.

Shalom rabbi, I read a book on bitachon. It said that if a man believes in own abilities then the divine Providence will be taken away from him. I have very low self esteem. I am reprogramming my subconscious mind with a book. If I reprogram my subconscious mind, immediately my reality will change. I have difficulty understanding the divine Providence. I also have other subconscious blocks. I should change myself with certain practices like visualization. If I visualize, I visualize in the present. Am I believing my own abilities and ignoring divine Providence if I follow visualization and changing self image? I have guilt everytime I follow visualization. Should I stop changing by subconscious mind and believe in Hashem and pray to him? Or should I practice reprogramming subconscious mind and believe in Hashem at the same time. The latter is causing guilt in me. Please help me. Thank you

I had embraced the ideology which is very similar to the philosophy of Amalek for 2 years in early 20's. There is no God, everything happens coincidently, morality is relative, and so on. I only recently knew that those ideas are very disgusting in the eye of HaShem. I really didn't know that that's so harmful. Now I firmly believe that HaShem runs the world, and there is the Divine purpose behind everything. What shall I do to be forgiven for my sin of believing philosophy of Amalek? What shall I do?