In a technical sense, before its destruction in 70 CE, was the Jerusalem Temple the only proper place to "worship" the LORD? (From what I understand, it was the only acceptable place to offer a sacrifice.) When Jewish people today gather at synagogue, do they gather to "worship," or would it be better to say that it is a time for study and community? Thank you.

What are cherubim? What is their purpose? And what do they teach us?

Was the Western Wall underground in the era of the Christian messiah?

Are the Western Walls bricks that we see today actually those that were used in the time of the Temple? And was the Western Wall built underground?

Did O.T. Hebrew women offer sacrifices at the same place as the men in the court of the men?

Shalom, Where can I find information regards the High Priest having a rope tied to his ankles to pull him out if he were to die? My father said it is not true but one of my friends said it was. Thank you. Samuel