This past Shabbos, we had an out of town guest stay with us who is a major celebrity and household name to most Americans, most of who do not even know he is Jewish. I will not mention his name here because it is lashon hora. Before he came, we excitedly told our kids a celebrity was coming over for a Shabbos meal. But once he was here, we saw a different side of him than the public knows: a man who is so eccentric that his behavior is socially unacceptable. Within minutes after he entered our home, we started to feel uneasy with him because of his mannerisms. After we lit candles, we felt so uncomfortable with him, we wished we could kick him out. But we weren’t sure what to do. Because we were observing Shabbos like we normally do, this didn’t help. He said he was coming with his wife. Turns out, his wife is a non-orthodox convert to Judaism who might as well be called an antisemite. She sympathizes with Palestinians and thinks the worst about Israel. And she constantly said demeaning things about Orthodox Judaism and Jewish laws and customs we all follow and had the impression that all Jews are rich. She herself was quite the narcissist who expected our place to be a luxury hotel with fine dining. She constantly put us down for not living up to her expectations of being treated like a queen. She was much worse than him. We are not rich. We are a struggling middle class family we over $30,000 credit card debt. Despite all that, we did our best to please these people and give them the best. They thanked us by making our Shabbos a nightmare. They did not follow the laws of Shabbos. They turned the light in the room we gave them on and off, took hot showers, and talked on their phones a lot. This was not unexpected. They are not observant Jews after all. In the future, what is a good approach to deal with Shabbos guests who are like this? Should we ask them to leave during Shabbos and drive their car away from our house?

Dear Rabbi, Please tell me about the current Jewish month, Elul. I have heard that there is something special about it. Thanks

Hello, can you please answer the following question? I was ordered to come to a court both on Rosh Hashanah and the first day of Sukkot. I informed the court about my Jewish religious observance but they declined my request to reschedule. Would it be permissible for me to come to the court on those days? Thank you very much.

Shalom. I want to ask of your opinion about Thoth the Atlantean and also about the Emerald tablets. What is your opinion about that? And about what you think about giants, were all giants evil? We killed them accordingly from Torah tellings. And so, I was explained to from another Rabbi , that some of us humans do have some giant DNA in us. Kol tov, shabbat shalom, Chaim Jeshurun    

In Halacha, Jews are forbidden from having animals do prohibited melachot on Shabbat. My question is, is there any issur of Lifnei iver with animals, or no, since animals don’t have the same free will humans do? As an example, putting an electronic color on a dog, which the dog could activate on Shabbat, before Shabbat would be setting the animal up to cause melacha on Shabbat, so would it be Lifnei iver?

I will soon be traveling to Saudi Arabia for business and spending 3 weeks there. I don’t know what to expect. What is some advice you have for coping as a Jew in Saudi Arabia?

The local kosher bakery, which is owned by Orthodox Jews and is under rabbinical supervision and caters mainly to the Jewish community, sells cookies and pastries with the themes and images of non-Jewish holidays. How is this permitted?