Proof From Generation to Generation


Dear Rabbi,

What are some proofs for the existence of God for someone who is an atheist?

Thank you



  1. I empathize with your question about proof for God’s existence. I personally find Maimonides’ approach to be the strongest proof for the existence of one God, who created the world, took the Jewish People out of Egyptian slavery and gave the Torah at Mount Sinai. He writes: “Look at the way in which the Torah was given to an entire nation in person (Deuteronomy 5:4) – a Torah that teaches about the Creation along with everything necessary for life in this world and the next.”

    The Sinai experience has been passed down from parent to child, from generation to generation – to this very day. It is the same history and teachings that are transmitted yearly at the Passover Seder, and are transmitted daily in study halls throughout the world. This is the testimony of an entire people to the truth that they experienced thousands of years ago: there is one God, who created the world and humanity, who gave us the Torah, and who is Eternal.

    I suggest reading one of the classic books of Jewish philosophy called the Kuzari, written a thousand years ago by Rabbi Yehudah HaLevi – a renowned Torah scholar and poet – in the form of a dialogue between a Rabbi and a non-Jewish king. It is theological debate between a Greek philosopher, a Christian, a Muslim and a Jew. It is truly fascinating! There is an excellent new translation (with footnotes) by Feldheim Press, which should be easily available.

    I would also suggest:
    Living Up to the Truth by Rabbi D. Gottlieb (downloadable at:
    Permission to Receive by Lawrence Keleman
    Anatomy of Search by Rabbi Akiva Tatz

    Please also allow me to also suggest that you try out a Gateways retreat (preferably over a Shabbat, but it is also good to start with a lecture or two). The classes and the retreats offered by Gateways are excellent and cater to all ages and religious observance in an appealing and non-threatening way. I also suggest looking at what they have to offer at:

    Best wishes from the Team