Can the coffee grinder we use during the year be used on Pesach? It has only been used for unflavored / non-decaf beans. We are Sepharadi, as well.

All the men of 20 years old and upward who came out of Egypt were not allowed to enter Canaan. Israel had to wander 40 years in the wilderness until the men of war died. Did this include the men of the tribe of Levite? Can you find any Rabbinical witting on this? Is there agreement on this subject or is it debated? Thanks for any help you can provide.

Are there eight days of eating unleavened bread or do we start unleavened bread on Abib 14 (Pesach) to make the feast of Unleavened Bread exactly seven days? Because some are claiming that Unleavened Bread (UB) feast is supposed to be only seven days (Abib 15-21) so want to start UB at sunset on Abib 14 instead of 15th which conflates UB with Pesach. Those people say otherwise it makes eight days of eating unleavened bread when the Torah says eat unleavened bread for exactly seven days. The following list shows the dates I think are correct. Are they correct? Passover (14 Abib/ Nisan) at sunset, keeping vigil until midnight. Unleavened Bread (15 Abib / Nisan) 1st holy day, sunset Abib 15 thru sunset Abib 16. Unleavened Bread (21 Abib/ Nisan) 2d holy day, sunset Abib 21 thru sunset Abib 22. We are Christians who revoke the Catholic holidays and observe the Levitical feasts. May the Creator God bless you for your work.

1. Jewish feast days start at sunset and end at sunset the next day? 2. Moses also observed the Sabbath and other feast days from sunset to sunset? Some think holy days run from sunrise to sunrise, but I don't agree. We are Christians who observe the Levitical holy days and Shabbat and we revoke the Catholic holidays. May the Creator God continue to bless you and Israel for your work.