On Rosh Hashonah I noticed that in the second parshah of bereishis (1:11,12) that 3 times the pei of piree (fruit) was written large in pthe Torah. Can you tell me the significance of this please?

Does Vayikra 21:7 prohibit a cohen from marrying a one-time rape victim who would otherwise be a virgin? What does the word translated "polluted" there mean? My resources seem to indicate that it means pierced or wounded.

Dear Rabbi, I am Jewish, but I would say that I have a very small comprehension of Jewish beliefs in the after-life, ie. Heaven, etc. What exactly exists in the after-life according to Judaism? Thanks, Molly

Dear Babbi i'm not jewish but i want to be. I was living in Israel for 8 years,since april 96 until august2004 when i came to Brazil back. I'm very sad that i have to live without Israel because i want to be jewish and to come back there. My phone number in Brazil is 97832394,celular phone. Please help me i'm living a very sad life here in Brazil because i got use with Israel and there's no connection betweem Brazil with so many religions what i'm not get use anymore and Israel. Thank you very much. pRAY FOR ME FOR I GO TO STUDY FOR TO BE JEWISH IN THE SINAGOG OF BARRA DA TIJUCA it's one place here in Rio de Janeiro,Brazil,my name is there,they just need to call me,the name of this sinagog is CJB,i'm asking your help,please

I have heard that the yemenite shofar is called a celebration shofar and the rams horn is called the horn of repentance. Are these two different with different symbolic uses? Thanks