Dear Rabbi, living in Germany, feeling the sense of sexism creeping up, I would like to post an online petition to the decision-makers. But how to explain what to petition! Mind the Word of G’d “I charge you, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, by the roes, and by the hinds of the field, that ye stir not up, nor awake [my] love, till he please”, Sgs 2:7 and 3:5 How to transpose the indwelling commandment of G’d into the modern world of words to make a petition? Yours grate- and respectfully, Christoph Rebner

My mother died many years ago and I light a candle for her Yahrzeit each year. This year her Yahrzeit falls out on the day that I signed my will. Should I light a candle in her memory on this day?

Why doesnt my son want me at his ceremony? It's not a conversion ceremony, it's called something else. My mother is Jewish. I wish I had been raised Jewish. I was raised Episcapal (church and sunday school with my dad). Now in my 50s, I am learning to come to grips with not being raised Jewish and am learning a little on my own from on-line sites. My son was baptised Catholic but I raised him to think for himself . I am proud to tell you that for the past year he has been studying with a Reform Rabbi in the Worcester, MA area. And next October he will be married under a huppa. He does not want me at the special ceremony that will formally bring him into the synagogue. He tells me he thinks it's a personal thing. Is this true? It would break my heart if his fiance and her parents are there to share in this special moment and not me. Why do you think he doesnt want me there? And/Or how should I convince him I should be there? Thank you, Patricia

Hello sir. I am a non-jewish man that has been assigned several questions from my prof. at school regarding jewish life. If I may please ask the following questions 1) What is the role of Torah in the life of the Jewish community? 2) What is the relatinship between the Oral Torah and th eWritten Torah? 3) Are there practical measures by which the local Jewish community maintains a strong relationship with the Hewish community in Eretz Israel? I hope these questions aren't offensive, and I appreciate your help.