Dear Rabbi- Is it true that a conservative conversion is not recognized by Israel or by Orthodox Jews? If I converted through a conserrvative rabbi/beit din can I practice in an orthodox shul?

I heard somewhere that the Rambam says one who doesn't eat meat because it is cruel to animals, or "G-d wouldn't want us to eat animals" is a mumar, but if he is vegetarian because he feels it is more healthful it is fine. What's the story?

I am Catholic and my fiance is Jewish. We are wondering... is it possible for a child to be baptisedand take first communion, as well as have a bris and a bar mitzvah? Or, for example, does baptising a child then preclude them from having a bar mitzvah when they're older? I'm not sure if the Conservative view is different than the Reformed view...I'd love to hear both if possible. Thanks, Charlene