You've answered my question: who wrote the Torah: "The Torah was given by God to Moses at Sinai - as Pirkei Avot begins - and was written down by Moses in the manner discussed in the Talmud. The Ten Commandments were written by God on the Tablets as is explicit in the Chumash" Thank you. If Moshe wrote the Torah, there were portions that were to happen in the future (past the Har Sinai meeting). So Moshe was given the Torah to inscribe including the future components yet to still occur?! Thanks you~

hi my name is daniela, and i from to mexico, i write ´cause i do a proyect to my school, and the topic is "judaismo" and i need information of the history that this religion. plise i need thise information, thanks


How did Moses know Hebrew, if he grew up in Pharoah's home? And if he didn't, what language did G-d communicate with him in? Thanks!
