Shalom Mark here. I've come across so many internet slurs that go unopposed by responsible Talmudim and this one has made the rounds several times. Please.... I am asking you to give me the hebrew and English translation and a contextural explanation such that I could provide authoritative refutation of the obvious slur of the Rambam. Please.... not some two sentence answer. I know those. Please. Please. Mark Here's the ugly bit slurring the Rambam: "Kill All Christians"-Talmud "The famous Jewish rabbi, Maimonides, acclaimed by Christian apologists and defenders of Zionism as "a great man of God," encouraged Jews to kill all Christians. In the Talmud (Hilkoth Akrum, X, 1), Maimonides says, "Do not have pity for them. Show no mercy unto them. Therefore, if you see one in difficulty of drowning, do not go to his help... it is right to kill him by your own hand by shoving him into a well or in some other way." If you think supporting Israel will lead to peace in the middle east or anywhere in the world, guess again.

Shalom Rabbi, Appropo a question I just asked, my I impose upon you to provide a translation of the first halacha of the Rambam as you suggested I read and learn.... I can't seem to find one on the internet, and I don't know a translation that would be deemed worthy of study in English. L'hitraot

Dear Rabbi, Is it possible to become a jew? If yes, How? I ask this because I heard that no one can be a HINDU unless he or she born from the womb of a HINDU girl. Thanks Shamim

Shalom Mark here. I've come across so many internet slurs that go unopposed by responsible Talmudim and this one has made the rounds several times. Please.... I am asking you to give me the hebrew and English translation and a contextural explanation such that I could provide authoritative refutation of the obvious slur of the Rambam. Please.... not some two sentence answer. I know those. Please. Please. Mark Here's the ugly bit slurring the Rambam: "Kill All Christians"-Talmud "The famous Jewish rabbi, Maimonides, acclaimed by Christian apologists and defenders of Zionism as "a great man of God," encouraged Jews to kill all Christians. In the Talmud (Hilkoth Akrum, X, 1), Maimonides says, "Do not have pity for them. Show no mercy unto them. Therefore, if you see one in difficulty of drowning, do not go to his help... it is right to kill him by your own hand by shoving him into a well or in some other way." If you think supporting Israel will lead to peace in the middle east or anywhere in the world, guess again.

Shalom Rabbi, Appropo a question I just asked, my I impose upon you to provide a translation of the first halacha of the Rambam as you suggested I read and learn.... I can't seem to find one on the internet, and I don't know a translation that would be deemed worthy of study in English. L'hitraot